Sunday, February 25, 2007


Faithful members of Al Gore's flock weigh in on the great prophet of doom (via Mark Steyn at NRO):

Almer Gortree [Mark Steyn]

The Reverend Al wowed the faithful in Toronto according to this report “Eco-pilgrims Gather To ‘Heed The Goracle’”:

      "From my perspective, it is a form of religion," said Bruce Crofts, 69, as he held a banner aloft for the East Toronto Climate Action Group amid a lively pre-lecture crowd outside the old hall. "The religion for this group is doing something for the environment."

      While he no longer espouses traditional religion, Mr. Crofts recalled how, as a Sunday school teacher decades ago, he included Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Robert Kennedy as well as Jesus Christ in his lessons, as examples of great leaders who stepped forward when called upon by circumstance. In that sense, he feels Mr. Gore fits the bill.

Almen, brother! Preach the Gorspel! Yet, spiritual leadership-wise, the Reverend Al is perhaps closest to Mohammed in that, like the founder of the Islamic faith, Mohammed al-Gore is both a great prophet and a political leader:

      "He's the prime minister we need in Canada," said Reid MacWilliam, who has been re-examining his entire life to make it more environmentally responsible.

At last, an American hegemon the Canadian people are prepared to live under the jackboot of. And Al’s boot leaves quite a footprint. Evangelical Outpost has some interesting statistics on Reverend Al’s forthcoming Gore Aid concert:

      * The concert will produce more CO2 in one day than Zimbabwe produced in any month in 2003.
      * The concert will produce more CO2 in one day than the total daily fossil fuel emissions for Austria, Chile, Finland, Greece, Iraq, Kuwait, New Zealand, Philippines, Portugal, Sweden, the Virgin Islands, and a dozen other countries combined.
      * The concert will produce more CO2 in one day than the entire nation of Afghanistan produces in a year.

We are all pygmies in the awesome depression of his Carbon Footprint! (via Tim Bla ir)

  1. Matt Helm Says:

    I didn’t see An Inconvenient Truth. I don’t like movies with a lot of Gore in them.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Learjet liberals

Al Gore's star is rising. He's attained near rock star status. I wonder if he rode a recumbent bike to T.O.? I'm guessing not.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm sure I parked my car here an hour ago.

Where's global warming when you need it?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Income splitting

This is just one reason why smilin' Jack and his crew will never hold the keys to 24 Sussex Dr. From CTV's Question Period broadcast today, NDP finance critic Judy Wasylycia-Leis discusses income splitting:

"It's a very costly proposal that very much benefits wealthier's a huge bonus for high income earning families that have one person at home full time and one person in the workforce I think the interesting question here is, how will the Liberals respond to this negative regressive policy...a most regressive policy and contrary to the notion of full equality for women."

Yeah Judy, it's so regressive a tax policy that 13 OECD countries have adopted it. They are: Belgium, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, Switzerland, the United States, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Poland and Spain.

These Dippers have always fancied themselves as champions of the working man. How they can be against a tax instrument that will reduce the burden on single income families is beyond me.